Aged Care

Secure the safe return of visits for your residents

Nearly 60% of people have higher expectations on hygiene standards in aged care post pandemic.1 We understand the importance of connection for your residents, so by making a noticeable difference in your hygiene solutions, you can improve residents' well-being by ensuring family visits.

Tork Aged Care Hygiene Pack

is a helpful resource so you can uplift the hygiene standards in your facility.

  • Whitepaper: Aged Care hygiene expectations
  • Hygiene Toolkit
  • Hand Washing and Sanitising Procedures
  • Hand Hygiene Prompters and Checkpoints
  • Hygiene Audit Checklist
  • Surface Cleaning Guide

Tork Reflex

Ideal for aged care meal preparation areas, Tork Reflex is a single sheet centrefeed dispenser that improves hygiene, requires less refilling saving you time, and reduces consumption and waste.


1Survey conducted by United Minds in cooperation with CINT in July 2020