A stream in a forest


Many businesses are taking action and setting goals in relation to climate change, ethical sourcing and waste management. Tork is committed to lowering carbon impact throughout the total life cycle of products and services. 
Discover the steps Tork is taking to reduce its impact below. 
Tuwharetoa Geothermal Renewable Iwi Energy

Geothermal steam

Making steam is the most energy intensive part of paper production. With its unique location within a geothermal field, our tissue mill in Kawerau, New Zealand is the only mill in the world using geothermal steam, instead of making steam with gas-fired boilers. We have been on a programme of continuous improvement to reduce the mills emissions for more than a decade. With this transition to geothermal steam, the total carbon footprint for the Kawerau site is estimated to be 66% lower in 2025 than it was in 2009.1 Further to this, we purchase this steam from the local Māori Iwi.
Up to 76% renewable energy

Renewable energy

More than 75% of Tork tissue products sold in Australia and New Zealand are made in New Zealand. These products use between 63-78% renewable energy throughout the entire lifecycle.2 Our Kawerau mill in New Zealand is in a geothermal region and since 2010 we have been innovating to use geothermal steam in the paper making process to reduce the carbon footprint of our products, which reduces scope 3 carbon emissions for Tork customers.
Total Kawerau scope 1 & 2 emissions reduction between 2009 actual and 2025 projected emissions data.
2 Environmental Production Declaration (EPD) - SP00851-Essity-EPD-Paper-Towels-June23, SP00852-Essity-EPD-Toilet-Paper-June23 and SP04541-Essity-EPD-Xpressnap-Napkins-June23.